Voices of PX Leaders

Erika Behl

President and Founder
Waymaker Leadership

“As a cancer survivor, I know firsthand that patient experience isn’t just about systems and processes; it’s about perspective and empathy, and requires courageous leadership. Let’s discuss how to bridge the digital and human aspects of care to truly serve the needs of patients.”

Ruth Evans, MBE

Principal Patient and Employee Experience Consultant
Picker Institute

“Why is Patient Experience important? When we get the experience right it is a win win win! For the patient is has shown to have a positive impact on key patient outcomes including clinical outcomes such as mortality; for the colleague it has shown to have a positive impact on engagement and productivity including for example retention and absenteeism; for the organisation it has shown to have reputation and efficiency impacts amongst many others, for example length of stay, DNAs and reputation score. Patient experience matters!”

Dr. Jittima Manonai Bartlett

Head, Patient Experience Project
Ramathibodi Hospital

“We are all health care customers at some time, one way or another, and we have customer stories to tell. Let us bring these stories closer to our own health care business and try to use improvement and innovation for customer experience-based co-design. Thus, the service design could make heath care better for patients, providers, and both clinical & business outcomes.”

Dr. Thassanawut Dhearapanya

Division Director, Medical Support Services
Bumrungrad International Hospital

“At the end of the day, people won’t remember what you say, but they won’t forget how you make them feel. Together, let’s make our patient experience, a memorable one.”

Roni Jay Mabanglo

Division Head for Patient Experience
Metro Pacific Health - St. Elizabeth Hospital

“Patient experience is crucial because it directly impacts patient trust, satisfaction, and overall engagement in their care. A positive experience encourages patients to adhere to their treatment plans, leading to better health outcomes and fewer complications. We should PRIORITIZE the patient experience because it will foster long-term loyalty, enhance the reputation, and improve patient retention in the hospital and other healthcare organizations.”